Greensmaster 3100
Dual Point Adjust Cutting units
Page 10 - 21
Front and Rear Roller Service
1. Roller seal
2. Spiral retaining ring
3. Roller bearing
4. Rear roller body
5. Roller shaft
6. Front roller body
Figure 24
Seal Removal
1. Make a seal removal tool from a 1/4 x3 x 3 in (.63 x
7.6 x 7.6 cm) piece of steel as shown (Fig. 25).
2. Slide seal removal over roller end of roller shaft.
3. Use the tool as a template to locate, mark, and drill
two 7/64 in. diameter holes in the outer face of the seal.
4. Thread two No. 8 x 3/4 in long (.164 in. diameter)
self-tapping screws through the seal removal tool and
into the drilled holes in the seal.
5. Thread two 1/4–20 x 1 in. long cap screws into the
seal removal tool.
6. Alternately tighten the cap screws to pull the seal
from the roller body.
Note: Seals will be destroyed during removal. Do not
re-use seals that have been removed from the roller.
Seal Installation
1. Apply a thin film of clean oil to the inner lip of the seal
and slide the seal over the end of the roller shaft.
2. Press the seal squarely into the roller body. The seal
face should be flush with the end of the roller body when
correctly installed.
Figure 25
.188 in. dia (2)
.625 in. dia.
1/4–20 UNC (2)
.625 in.
.625 in.
1.05 in.1.05 in.
Rev. D