Rear Camshaft Adjustment (Fig. 15)
A camshaft misaligned with the valve bank may cause
the following:
A. No increase in ground speed in No. 2 (transport)
traction selection.
B. Mow pedal will not stay depressed (in detent)
without foot pressure.
C. Slow lift of the cutting units.
D. Slow or no drive to the cutting units.
If one or more malfunctions occur, loosen the rear
camshaft mounting capscrews and relocate the cam-
shaft until the condition is corrected.
Retighten the capscrews.
You must readjust the mow-lift switch when
the camshaft adjustment is completed. (See
Mow-Lift Switch Adjustment in the Adjust-
ments section of Chapter 5 - Electrical Sys-
tem). The lift and mow pedal height must also
be adjusted. (See Lift and Mow Pedal Height
Adjustment in this section.)
Figure 15
1. Mounting capscrews
Adjustments Page 4 - 38 Greensmaster