Carburetor and Speed Control Adjustment (Fig. 5, 6)
IMPORTANT: Before carburetor and speed control
are adjusted, the throttle and choke controls must
be adjusted properly.
Engine must be running during adjustment of
carburetor and speed control. To guard
against possible personal injury, shift into
neutral and engage parking brake. Keep
hands, feet, face and other parts of the body
away from the cutter blades and any rotating
engine parts.
1. Start engine and let it run at half throttle for approxi-
mately five (5) minutes to warm up.
2. Move throttle control to SLOW position. Hold gover-
nor lever so throttle lever is in the idle position (against
idle stop screw) and turn idle stop screw in or out to get
1400 ± 50 RPM. Check speed with a tachometer.
3. Adjust idle mixture screw:
A. Turn idle mixture screw slowly clockwise (lean
mixture) until engine speed just starts to decrease.
Note position of screw.
B. Now turn idle mixture screw slowly counterclock-
wise (rich mixture) until engine speed just starts to
decrease. Note position of screw.
C. Set the idle mixture screw half way between the
rich and lean settings.
4. After idle mixture has been adjusted, hold governor
lever so throttle lever is in idle position (against idle stop
screw) and adjust idle stop screw to bring engine speed
to 1200 ± RPM.
5. With governor control lever in governed idle position
(no tension on high speed spring) bend governed idle
spring anchor tang to get a governed idle speed of
1400 ± RPM (Fig. 5).
6. Move throttle control to FAST position. Bend high
speed spring anchor tang to bring engine speed to
2800 +50/–100 RPM (Fig. 6).
Figure 5
Figure 6
Adjustments Page 3 - 4 Greensmaster