Greensmaster 3100 Page 4–41.4 RepairsRev. D
IMPORTANT: Avoid using excessive clamping
pressure on the motor flange to prevent distorting
the casting.
3. Clamp mounting flange of motor in a vise with the
shaft end down.
4. Loosen cap screws on the rear cover.
5. Take motor from the vise and remove cap screws.
6. Remove front flange from the body, then remove rear
cover. Locate and remove dowel pins from body.
IMPORTANT: Mark the relative positions of the gear
teeth and the bearing blocks so they can be re-
assembled in the same position. Do not touch the
gear surfaces as residue on hands may be corrosive
to gear finish.
7. Place the motor on its side and push on the rear bear-
ing block to remove the bearing block and gear set (Fig.
8. Carefully remove and discard o–rings, pressure
seals, and back–up rings (Fig. 18e) from motor. Do not
cause any damage to the machined grooves during the
removal process.
IMPORTANT: Make sure not to damage the counter
bore when removing the shaft seal from the front
9. Position front flange with seal side up. Remove shaft
1. Remove any nicks and burrs from all motor compo-
nents with emery cloth.
Use eye protection such as goggles when using
compressed air.
2. Clean all motor components with solvent. Dry all
parts with compressed air.
1. Motor body 2. Bearing block & gear set
Figure 18d
Figure 18e
1. Drive gear
2. Idler gear
3. Bearing block
Figure 18f