Greensmaster 3100
Dual Point Adjust Cutting Units
Page 10 - 8
Hydraulic Reel Motor
IMPORTANT: When performing maintenance pro-
cedures on the cutting units, store the cutting unit
reel motors in support tubes on the frame to prevent
damage to the hoses. Do not raise suspension to
transport position when the reel motors are in the
holders in the traction unit frame. Damage to the
motors or hoses could result.
1. Park machine on a clean and level surface, lower
cutting units completely to the ground, stop engine, en-
gage parking brake, and remove key from the ignition
2. Remove basket from carrier frame.
3. Loosen flange head screws that secure the hydrau-
lic motor to the motor adapter plate. Rotate motor clock-
wise, and remove motor.
4. Place protective plastic cap (see Special Tools) into
the hole in the motor adapter plate.
1. Check reel drive coupler splines for wear. Replace
if necessary (see Reel Removal and Installation in this
chapter of this manual).
1. Coat spline shaft of the motor with clean No. 2 multi-
purpose lithium base grease.
2. Install the flange head screws for the reel drive mo-
tor into the motor adapter plate and leave approximately
1/2 inch (12.7 mm) of threads exposed on each screw.
3. Install motor by rotating the motor clockwise so the
motor flanges clear the flange head screws.
4. Rotate the motor counterclockwise until the motor
flanges are encircling the flange head screws. Tighten
flange head screws.
Backlapping (Units without Optional Backlap/Variable Reel Speed Kit)
Be careful when backlapping the reel because
contact with the reel or other moving parts can
result in personal injury.
1. Remove reel motors from the cutting units and cut-
ting units from the lift arms and pull frame (see Cutting
Unit Removal and Installation).
2. Connect the backlapping machine to the cutting unit
by inserting a piece of 3/8–inch socket extension drive
into the splined reel drive coupling.
3. Attach backlap motor or drive to the socket exten-
4. Follow instructions and procedures for backlapping
in the Toro Service Training Book, Sharpening Reel and
Rotary Mowers, part no. 80300SL.
Figure 8
Note: For a better cutting edge, run a file across the
front face of the bedknife when the lapping operation is
completed. This will remove any burrs or rough edges
that may have built up on the cutting edge.