Reelmaster 4000–DPage 7 – 4Cutting Units
Never install or work on the cutting units or lift
arms with the traction unit engine running. Al-
ways stop the engine and remove the key first.
Adjust Reel to Bedknife Contact
The cutting units will provide optimum mowing perfor-
mance when adjusted and maintained correctly. Keep-
ing a precise reel to bedknife adjustment (light contact),
at each end of the cutting unit will produce a continual
self–sharpening action. Therefore, sharp cutting edges
are maintained, good quality of cut assured, and the
need for corrective re–sharpening reduced.
Note: Before adjusting height–of–cut and each day
before operating, check reel to bedknife contact regard-
less if previous quality of cut had been acceptable.
Before adjusting reel to bedknife, raise and fully
latch cutting units. Remove key from the ignition
switch. Keep others off machine while adjusting
cutting units.
Note: A 3/4–inch wrench is required for making the
reel to bedknife adjustment.
When adjusting the cutting units, wear heavy
gloves and use care when turning reels by hand.
Sharp edges can cut or pinch hands or fingers.
1. Rotate reel slowly and carefully while listening for
light contact across the full length of the reel and bed-
2. If no contact is determined, loosen adjuster locking
nut on each adjuster (Fig. 5). Turn each adjuster knob
equally and clockwise until light contact is felt and heard.
1. Adjuster locking nut 2. Adjustment knob
Figure 5
IMPORTANT:Adjusted correctly so that the reel will
cut a piece of paper approximately 0.003 inch
(0.076mm) thick across its entire length.
3. If excessive contact is determined, turn each adjust-
ing knob equally and counter–clockwise until no contact
is noticed. Then turn both adjusting knobs equally and
clockwise until light contact is felt and heard between the
reel and bedknife. Final adjustment should always be
in the tightening (clockwise) direction.
IMPORTANT:Cutting units with excessive contact
between the reel and bedknife are noisy, consume
excessive power, shorten component life and result
in overall poor performance. Light contact between
the reel and bedknife, once the cutting unit is
warmed up, provides optimum mowing perfor-
mance and component life.
4. Tighten adjuster locking nuts when adjustments are