Reelmaster 4000–D
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Hydraulic System
Disassembly of Priority Flow Divider
1. Plug all ports and thoroughly clean outside of valve.
2. Remove plug (1), shims (17 & 18), spring (19), and
flow control spool (3) from body (4).
NOTE: Notice the position of the spool in relation to
valve body when removing spool (3).
3. Remove metering plug (16).
4. Remove shims (10, 11, 12, & 13) from metering plug
5. Remove O–rings (5 & 14) and back–up washer (15)
from metering plug (16).
6. Remove groove pin (9) and remove metering stem (8)
from metering plug (16).
7. Remove O–ring (6) and back–up washer (7) from in-
side metering screw (16).
Inspection of Priority Flow Divider
1. Thoroughly clean and dry all parts.
2. Remove all nicks and burrs with emery cloth.
3. Inspect the spool bore inside the body, the surface
should be smooth and free of deep score marks.
4. Inspect O.D. of spool, it should be smooth and free of
nicks and burrs. Spool should slide freely inside the
body bore.
5. Inspect surface of metering stem (8) for deep
scratches and burrs.
Reassembly of Priority Flow Divider
1. Install new back–up washer (7) inside metering plug
2. Install new O–ring (6) inside metering plug (16).
3. Oil metering stem (8) and install in metering plug (16).
Secure with groove pin (9).
4. Install new back–up washer (15) and new O–rings (5
& 14) on metering plug (16).
5. Install shims (10, 11, 12, & 13) on metering plug (16).
NOTE: Install the same number of shims that were re-
6. Install metering plug assembly and tighten.
7. Install new O–ring (2) on plug (1) and install plug.
8. Install flow control spool (3), spring (19) shims (18 &
NOTE: Install same number of shims as were removed.
9. Install new O–ring (2) and plug (1) and install plug.