Reelmaster 4000–D
Page 4 – 57
Hydraulic System
Assembly of Steering Pump
It is important that the relationship of the back plate (22),
body (21), wear plate (20) and front plate (15) is correct.
You will note two half moon cavities in the body which
must face away from the front plate.
NOTE: The smaller half moon port cavity must be on
the pressure side of the pump. Side of wear plate with
mid section cut out must be on suction side of pump.
Suction side of back plate is always side with larger port
1. Install relief valve (23) with new O–ring (24), back–up
washer (25), and O–ring (26).
2. Install flow divider spool (3), plug (1) with new O–ring
(2), and other plug (6) with new O–ring (2).
3. The wear plate (20), bearing seal (18), molded O–ring
(17), back–up gasket (19), shaft seal (12), and O–rings
(9) should be replaced as new parts.
4. Install O–ring (16) in groove of front plate (15).
5. Tuck back–up gasket (19) into groove in front plate
with open part of “V” section down.
6. Put molded O–ring (17) in groove in front plate. Put
bearing seal (18) over molded O–ring – groove side
7. Apply a thin coat of heavy grease to both milled faces
of body (21). Slip body onto plate – half moon port cavi-
ties in body must face away from front plate.
NOTE: The small half moon port cavity must be on the
pressure side of the pump.
8. Put wear plate (20) on top of back–up gasket (19) with
bronze face up. The side with the mid section cut away
must be on suction side of pump.
Dip gear assemblies (10, 7) into oil and slip into front
plate bushings.
9. Install O–ring (16) in groove in back plate (22).
10. Slide back plate (22) over gear shafts until dowel
pins (4) are engaged.
Install bolts (11) and washers (13). Tighten evenly to a
torque of 25 – 28 ft.–lb.
11. Install washer (13). Liberally oil shaft seal (12) and
carefully work over drive shaft, being careful not to cut
rubber sealing lip.
12. Put a 1–5/16” O.D. sleeve over the shaft and press
in shaft seal until flush with front surface of front plate.