Reelmaster 4000–D Page 3 – 5 Kubota Diesel Engine
Check Cooling System
Check level of coolant at the beginning of each day. Ca-
pacity of system is 3.7 gal. (14 L).
If engine is hot, pressurized coolant can escape
and cause burns when the radiator cap is re-
moved. Remove radiator cap slowly and careful-
ly if engine coolant is hot.
1. Park machine on a level surface. Stop engine. Re-
move key from the ignition switch.
2. Carefully remove radiator cap (Fig. 4) and expan-
sion tank cap (Fig. 5).
3. Check level of coolant in radiator. Radiator should
be filled to the top of the filler neck and the expansion
tank filled to the marks on its side.
IMPORTANT: Do not use water only. Do not use al-
cohol / methanol base coolants.
4. If coolant is low, add a 50/50 mixture of water and
ethylene glycol anti–freeze.
5. Install radiator cap and expansion tank cap.
Figure 4
1. Radiator cap 2. Rear screen
Figure 5
1. Expansion tank cap
Fill Fuel Tank
1. Park machine on a level surface. Stop engine. Re-
move key from the ignition switch.
2. Remove fuel tank cap (Fig. 6).
3. Fill tank to about one inch (25 mm) below bottom of
filler neck with No. 2 diesel fuel. Then install cap.
Figure 6
1. Fuel tank cap 2. Left rear tire
Kubota Diesel