Reelmaster 4000–D
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Hydraulic System
Service and Repairs
Removing Hydraulic System Components
1. Thoroughly clean the machine before disconnecting,
removing or disassembling any hydraulic components.
Always keep in mind the need for cleanliness when
working on hydraulic equipment.
2. Put caps or plugs on any hydraulic lines or fittings left
open or exposed.
3. Put labels on disconnected hydraulic lines and hoses
for proper installation after repairs are completed.
After Repair or Replacement of Components
1. Check oil level in hydraulic reservoir and add correct
oil if necessary. Drain and refill hydraulic system reser-
voir and change oil filter if component failure was severe
or system is contaminated.
2. After repairs, check control linkage for proper adjust-
ment, binding or broken parts.
3. After disconnecting or replacing any hydraulic com-
ponents, operate machine functions slowly until air is
out of system.
4. Check for hydraulic oil leaks. Shut off engine and cor-
rect leaks if necessary. Check oil level in hydraulic reser-
voir and add correct oil if necessary.