Reelmaster 4000–DPage 7 – 10Cutting Units
1. Remove shoulder bolts, bushings and spacers from
each end of the unit. Remove bedbar/bedknife assem-
bly (Fig. 16).
2. Remove mounting screws for the bedknife. Sepa-
rate bedknife from the bedbar. Discard screws (Fig. 17).
1. Clean bedknife mounting face on the bedbar thor-
oughly of all rust and scale. Remove any material on the
mounting face of the bedbar that will affect a good
match–up with the bedknife.
2. Before installation, apply a coating of anti–seize lu-
bricant to the threads of the bedknife mounting screws.
IMPORTANT: Do not use an impact wrench to tight-
en screws into the bedbar.
3. Begin with the center screw and tighten alternate
screws toward each end using a torque wrench and
bedknife screw tool. Tighten screws to a torque of 250
to 300 in–lb (288 to 345 kg–m). Make sure bedknife is
flat against the bedbar (Fig. 18).
4. Install bedbar/bedknife assembly to the cutting unit.
Variations in the mounting surface of a bedbar causes
a new bedknife not be perfectly flat after installation.
This makes it is necessary to backlap or grind a new
bedknife after installation to the bedbar. Follow existing
angle that was ground into the bedknife. Grind only
enough to make sure the top surface is true (Fig. 19).
1. Remove the bedbar from the cutting unit.
2. Keep the bedknife fastened to the bedbar when
3. Follow the grinder manufacturer’s instructions for
set–up and operation of the grinder.
Note: When grinding, be careful to not overheat the
bedknife. Remove small amounts of material with each
pass of the grinder.
Bedknife Grinding Specifications
Relief Angle 5
Relief Angle Range 3
to 6
Front Angle 15
Front Angle Range 13
to 17
1. Shoulder bolt (2 each side)
2. Bushing
3. Spacer
Figure 16
1. Bedbar
2. Bedknife
3. Mounting screws
4. Mounting fasteners
Figure 17
1. Torque wrench 2. Bedknife screw tool
Figure 18
Figure 19
Relief Angle
Front Angle
Top Face