TL-WR542G 54M Wireless Router User Guide
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Appendix A: FAQ
1. How to configure the Router to access Internet by ADSL users?
1) First, configure the ADSL modem configured in RFC1483 bridge model.
2) Connect the Ethernet cable from your ADSL modem to the WAN port on the
Router. The telephone cord plugs into the Line port of the ADSL modem.
3) Log into the Router, click the “Network” menu on the left of your browser, and
click "WAN" submenu. On the WAN page, select “PPPoE” for WAN Connection
Type. Type user name in the “User Name” field and password in the “Password”
field, finish by clicking “Connect”.
4) If your ADSL lease is in “pay-according-time” mode, select “Connect on
Demand” or “Manually connecting” for Internet connection mode. Type an
appropriate number for “Max Idle Time” to avoid wasting paid time. Otherwise,
you can select “Auto-connecting” for Internet connection mode.
2. How to configure the Router to access Internet by LAN users?
1) Log into the Router, click the “Network” menu on the left of your browser, and
click "WAN" submenu. On the WAN page, select “DHCP” for "WAN Connection
Type", finish by clicking “Save”.
2) Some ISPs require that you register the MAC Address of your adapter, which is
connected to your cable or DSL modem during installation. If your ISP requires
MAC register, Log in to the Router and click the "Network" menu link on the left
of your browser, and then click "MAC Clone" submenu link. On the "MAC Clone"
page, if your PC’s MAC address is proper MAC address, click the "Clone MAC
Address" button and your PC’s MAC address will fill in the "WAN MAC Address"
field. Or else, type the MAC Address into the " WAN MAC Address" field. The
format for the MAC Address is XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX. Then click the "Save"
button. It will take effect after rebooting.
3. I want to use Netmeeting, what do I need to do?
1) If you start Netmeeting as a sponsor, You don’t need to do anything with the
2) If you start as a responsor, you need configure Virtual Server or DMZ Host.
3) How to configure Virtual Server: Log into the Router, click the “Forwarding”
menu on the left of your browser, and click " Virtual Servers" submenu. On the
"Virtual Server" page, enter “1720” into the blank below the “Service Port”, and
your IP address below the IP Address, assuming for an example,
remember to “Enable” and “Save”.