If your refrigerator has a dispenser and there is any possibility that the
temperature can drop below freezing where the refrigerator is located,
the water supply system (including the water tank and the water valve)
must be drained by a qualified servicer.
FFoorr sshhoorrtt vvaaccaattiioonnss oorr aabbsseenncceess ((tthhrreeee mmoonntthhss oorr lleessss))::
• Remove all perishables.
• If no one will be checking in on the refrigerator during your absence,
remove all frozen items also.
• If your refrigerator has an automatic ice maker:
• Shut off the water supply to the ice maker at least one day
ahead of time.
• After the last load of ice drops, raise the wire shut off arm to
the OFF position.
• Empty the ice bin.
• If the room temperature will drop below 55° F (13° C), follow the
instructions for longer absences.
FFoorr lloonngg vvaaccaattiioonnss,, aabbsseenncceess ((mmoor
ree tthhaann tthhrreeee mmoonntthhss)) OORR iiff tthhee rroooomm
tteemmppeerraattuurree wwiillll ddrroopp bbeellooww 5555°° FF ((1133°° CC))::
• Remove food.
• If your refrigerator has an automatic ice maker:
• Shut off the water supply to the ice maker at least one day
ahead of time.
• After the last load of ice drops, raise the wire shut off arm to
the OFF position.
• Empty the ice bin.
• If your refrigerator has a dispenser system with water filter, remove the
water filter cartridge and install the filter bypass. Dispose of the used
• Turn the freezer control to (OFF).
• Unplug the refrigerator.
• Thoroughly clean the interior of both compartments with a baking soda
solution and a clean soft cloth (four tablespoons of baking soda in one
quart of warm water.).
• Dry thoroughly.
• Leave the doors open to prevent the formation of mold and mildew.
PPrreeppaarriinngg ffoorr VVaaccaattiioonn
LLoowweerr FFrreeeezzeerr CCoommppaarrttmmeenntt
• Pinch both sides of light cover to remove.
• Remove light bulb. Replace bulb with appliance bulb
nnoo ggrreeaatteerr tthhaann
4400 wwaattttss..
Pinch both sides of the light cover to snap into place.
RReeppllaacciinngg LLiigghhtt BBuullbbss
IIccee aanndd WWaatteerr DDiissppeennsseerr
• Locate light bulb inside top edge of dispenser frame. Unscrew to
• Replace light bulb with a
77--wwaatttt,, 112200 vvoolltt bbuullbb..
Light bulb