
MMaaxx IIccee
When activated, Max Ice reduces the freezer temperature to the
optimum setting for 24 hours in order to produce more ice. Note:
When the Max Ice feature is in operation, the UP and DOWN pads
for the freezer control will not operate.
WWaatteerr FFiilltteerr IInnddiiccaattoorr ((DDiissppeennsseerr MMooddeellss OOnnllyy))
When a water filter has been installed in the refrigerator, the yellow
Order light will illuminate when 90 percent of the volume of water for
which the filter is rated has passed through the filter OR 11 months
have elapsed since the filter has been installed.
The red Replace light will illuminate when the rated volume of water
has passed through the filter OR 12 months have elapsed since the
filter was installed. A new filter should be installed immediately when
the Replace light is illuminated. After replacing the filter, press and
hold the Water Filter Indicator button for three seconds. The Order and
Replace lights will go off.
VVaaccaattiioonn MMooddee
The Vacation Mode feature causes the freezer to defrost less frequently,
conserving energy. The Vacation Mode indicator light will illuminate
when the feature is activated. To deactivate, press the Vacation Mode
pad again OR open either door. The indicator light will go out.
Door openings will not deactivate the Vacation Mode for
approximately one hour after activation. If vacationing for more than a
few days, see the Preparing for Vacation section, page 33.
HHiigghh TTeemmpp A
The High Temp Alarm system will alert you if the freezer or refrigerator
temperatures exceed normal operating temperatures due to a power
outage or other event. When activated, the High Temp Alarm light
will illuminate. If the freezer or refrigerator temperatures have
exceeded these limits, the display will alternately show the current
compartment temperatures and the highest compartment temperatures
reached when the power was out. An audible alarm will sound
repeatedly. Press the High Temp Alarm pad once to stop the audible
alarm. The High Temp Alarm light will continue to flash and the
temperatures will alternate until the temperatures have stabilized. To
turn off High Temp Alarm, press and hold the High Temp Alarm pad for
three seconds. The indicator light will go off.
TTeemmppeerraattuurree CCoonnttrroollss
TTeemmppeerraattuurree CCoonnttrroollss
DDoooorr OOppeenn AAllaarrmm
The Door Open Alarm will alert you when one of the doors has been
left open for five continuous minutes. When this happens, an audible
alarm will sound every few seconds until the door is closed OR press
the Door Open Alarm pad to deactivate the feature.
MMaaxx CCoolldd
When activated, Max Cold causes the refrigerator and freezer
temperatures to drop to the minimum settings on the control. This
cools down the refrigerator and freezer after extended door openings
or when loading the refrigerator or freezer with warm food. Note: When
the Max Cold feature is in operation, the UP and DOWN pads for the
refrigerator and freezer controls will not operate.
To activate, press the Max Cold pad. Max Cold will deactivate
automatically after 12 hours, OR press the Max Cold pad to deactivate
the feature.
UUsseerr PPrreeffeerreenncceess
Access the User Preferences menu to:
• Change the temperature display from °F to °C
• Enable or disable audible alarms
• Adjust the light level at which the Dispenser Auto Light will illuminate
(when this feature is activated on the ice and water dispenser) (select
• Activate the Sabbath Mode
To access the User Preferences menu, press and hold the Door Open
Alarm pad for three seconds. When in the User Preferences mode, a
short title for the feature will appear in the freezer temperature display
and the feature status will appear in the refrigerator display.
1. Use the freezer UP and DOWN pads to scroll through the features.
2. When the desired feature is displayed, use the refrigerator UP and
DOWN pads to change the status.
3. When changes are complete, press the Door Open Alarm pad for
three seconds OR close the refrigerator door.