TTeemmppeerraattuurree DDiissppllaayy ((FF__CC))
Change the display to show temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit or
degrees Celsius.
AAllaarrmm ((AALL))
When the Alarm mode is OFF, all audible alarms will be disabled until
the feature is turned on.
AAuuttoo LLiigghhtt LLeevveell SSeelleeccttiioonn ((LLLL)) ((SSeelleecctt MMooddeellss))
This setting adjusts the light level at which the dispenser light will
illuminate when the sensor detects that the light levels in the room are
low. Setting 1 is the darkest light level setting, setting 9 is the lightest
light level setting.
The Auto Light (select models) must be
activated on the ice and water dispenser control to take advantage of
this option.
SSaabbbbaatthh MMooddee ((SSAABB))
When the Sabbath Mode is ON, all control lights and the night light will
be disabled until the feature is turned OFF. This feature does not
disable the interior lights. Press any pad to restore the control lights.
WWaarrmm CCaabbiinneett SSuurrffaacceess
At times, the front of the refrigerator cabinet may be warm to the
touch. This is a normal occurrence that helps prevent moisture from
condensing on the cabinet. This condition will be more noticeable
when the refrigerator is first started, during hot weather and after
excessive or lengthy door openings.
RReeffrriiggeerraattoorr FFeeaattuurreess
To avoid personal injury or property damage, observe the following:
• Never attempt to adjust a shelf that is loaded with foods.
• Confirm shelf is secure before placing items on shelf.
• Handle tempered glass shelves carefully. Shelves may break suddenly
if nicked, scratched, or exposed to sudden temperature change.
TToo RReemmoovvee aa SShheellff::
• Slightly tilt up the front and lift up the rear of the shelf, then pull
the shelf straight out.
TToo LLoocckk tthhee SShheellff IInnttoo AAnnootthheerr PPoossiittiioonn::
• Tilt up the front edge of the shelf.
• Insert the hooks into the desired frame
openings and let the shelf settle into
• Be sure the shelf is securely locked at the rear.
The Produce Drawer Top serves as the lower fresh food shelf and
lifts out for easy cleaning.