
EEgggg BBiinn
The egg bin has three pieces - the lid, the egg tray, and the bin. Use
the egg bin to hold one, or two dozen eggs.
To hold one dozen eggs:
Place a dozen eggs into the egg carrier.
Then place the egg carrier into the bin
and cover with the lid.
To hold two dozen eggs:
Place two dozen eggs loose in the bin
and cover them with the lid. Use the
carrier to transport eggs between the bin
and your cooking area.
When the egg tray is removed, the bin
will accept items such as a standard egg
carton, ice, etc.
GGllaassss BBuutttteerr TTrraayy
The glass butter tray holds two sticks of butter for storage in the dairy
RReeffrriiggeerraattoorr FFeeaattuurreess FFrreeeezzeerr FFeeaattuurreess
FFrreeeezzeerr FFeeaattuurreess
SShheellvveess aanndd BBaasskkeettss
Shelves can be removed to meet individual storage needs.
TToo RReemmoovvee SShheellff::
•Snap right side of shelf up from cabinet railing and slide to right.
TToo IInnssttaallll SShheellff::
•Replace shelf in left side cabinet railing. Snap shelf into right side
cabinet railing.
BBaasskkeettss aanndd DDrraawweerrss
Baskets and drawers slide out for easy access to items in back.
TToo RReemmoovvee::
•Pull out to its full extension. Lift up front of
basket and remove.
TToo IInnssttaallll::
•Slide basket or drawer into cabinet railing.
Lift up front of basket or drawer, and slide to
the back of the refrigerator.
IIccee SSttoorraaggee BBiinn
The Ice Storage bin is located below the automatic ice maker.
TToo RReemmoovvee::
•Raise ice maker arm to deactivate ice maker. Lift front of bin and pull
out to its full extension. Lift up front of bin and remove.
TToo IInnssttaallll::
•Slide bin into railing below ice maker until bin locks into place. Drop
ice maker arm to activate ice maker.
Ice bin must be
locked in place for proper ice
dispensing. If the ice bin does not
lock in place, turn auger driver
behind bin counterclockwise to
properly align ice bin with auger driver.
FFiixxeedd FFrreeeezzeerr SShheellff
TToo RReemmoovvee CClliipp--mmoouunntteedd SShheellvveess::
•Lift shelf from the right side wall mounting clips
and pull left side of shelf out of wall mounting
TToo IInnssttaallll CClliipp--mmoouunntteedd SShheellvveess::
•Place left side of shelf in mounting holes and
press down into wall mounting clips.