
To avoid personal injury or property damage, observe the following:
• Do not place fingers or hands on the automatic ice making
mechanism while the refrigerator is plugged in. This will help protect
you from possible injury. It will also prevent interference with moving
parts of the ejector mechanism and the heating element that releases
the cubes.
• Under certain rare circumstances, ice cubes may be discolored,
usually appearing with a green-bluish hue. The cause of this unusual
discoloration can be a combination of factors such as certain
characteristics of local waters, household plumbing and the
accumulation of copper salts in an inactive water supply line which
feeds the ice maker. Continued consumption of such discolored ice
cubes may be injurious to health. If such discoloration is observed,
discard the ice cubes and contact your dealer to purchase and install
a water line filter.
• Water damage due to improper water connection may cause
mold/mildew growth.
• Clean up water and ice spills to avoid personal injury and to prevent
mold/mildew growth.
FFrreeeezzeerr FFeeaattuurreess FFrreeeezzeerr FFeeaattuurreess
DDoooorr SSttoorraaggee
AAddjjuussttaabbllee DDoooorr BBiinnss
Door Bins can be moved to meet individual storage
TToo RReemmoovvee::
•Lift the door bin up until it clears the retainers on
the door liner, then pull the door bin straight out.
TToo IInnssttaallll::
•Slide bin in above desired door liner retainer and
push down until bin stops.
FFiixxeedd DDoooorr BBiinn
((NNoonn--DDiissppeennsseerr MMooddeell OOnnllyy))
The Fixed Door Bin is located in the upper section
of the freezer door.
Fixed door bin
is not adjustable. If bin is removed, freezer light
will not deactivate when door is closed.
DDrroopp--DDoowwnn FFrreeeezzeerr DDoooorr BBiinnss
These baskets provide convenient storage
space for frozen food items that tend to
shift, such as bagged vegetables.
TToo RReemmoovvee tthhee IIccee BBiinn::
• Pull it forward, away from the ice maker. To avoid the ice maker
dumping ice while the bin is removed, turn the ice maker off by
raising the icemaker arm.
TToo IInnssttaallll tthhee IIccee BBiinn::
• Reverse the above procedure. Turn the ice maker on by lowering the
ice maker arm.
AAuuttoommaattiicc IIccee MMaakkeerr
Connect the ice maker to the water supply as instructed. Proper water
flow and a level refrigerator are essential for optimal ice maker