
DDoooorr SSttoorraaggee
DDaaiirryy CCoommppaarrttmmeenntt
The Dairy Compartment provides convenient
door storage for spreadable items such as
butter and margarine. This compartment can
be moved to different locations to
accommodate storage needs. To use the
dairy compartment, raise the cover.
TToo RReemmoovvee::
• Raise the cover, pull upward and tilt out.
TToo IInnssttaallll::
• Reverse above procedure.
DDoooorr BBiinnss
Door Bins can be moved to meet storage
TToo RReemmoovvee::
• Slide bin up and pull straight out.
TToo IInnssttaallll::
• Slide bin in and down until firmly seated
in the door liner.
MMooiissttuurree AAddjjuussttaabbllee PPrroodduuccee DDrraawweerrss
The Produce Drawers provide a higher humidity environment for fresh
fruit and vegetable storage.
The Produce controls regulate the amount of moisture in the drawer.
Slide the control towards the LOW setting when storing produce with
outer skins. Slide the control towards the HIGH setting when storing
leafy produce.
TToo RReemmoovvee::
• Pull drawer out to full extension. Tilt up front
of drawer and pull straight out.
TToo IInnssttaallll::
• Insert drawer into frame rails and push back
into place.
NNOOTTEE:: FFoorr bbeesstt rreessuullttss,, kkeeeepp tthhee PPrroodduuccee ddrraawweerrss ttiigghhttllyy cclloosseedd..
MMeeaattSSaavvoorr//PPrroodduuccee DDrraawweerr
The MeatSavor drawer is a full-width drawer with adjustable
temperature control. This drawer can be used for large party trays, deli
items, beverages or miscellaneous items.
MMeeaattSSaavvoorr CCoonnttrrooll
The control, located on the left wall next to the drawer, regulates the air
temperature inside the drawer. Set control to “cold” to provide normal
refrigerator temperature. Use the “coldest” setting for meats or other
deli items.
• Cold air directed to the MeatSavor can decrease refrigerator
temperature. Refrigerator control may need to be adjusted.
• Do not place leafy vegetables in the MeatSavor drawer. Colder
temperatures could damage leafy produce.
RReeffrriiggeerraattoorr FFeeaattuurreess RReeffrriiggeerraattoorr FFeeaattuurreess