CClleeaanniinngg && MMaaiinntteennaannccee
Your refrigerator is built to give you many years of dependable service.
However, there are a few things you can do to help extend its product
life. This section tells you how to clean your refrigerator and what to
do when going on vacation, moving, or during a power outage.
To avoid electrical shock which can cause severe personal injury
or death, turn power disconnect switch to OFF before cleaning.
After cleaning, return power disconnect switch to ON position.
IInntteerriioorr SSuurrffaacceess
Wash surfaces with 4 tablespoons baking soda dissolved in 1 quart
warm water and a soft, clean cloth. Rinse surfaces with warm water.
Dry with a soft clean cloth.
DDoo nnoott uussee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttoo cclleeaann iinntteerriioorr ssuurrffaacceess::
•abrasive or harsh cleaners, ammonia, chlorine bleach
•concentrated detergents or solvents
•metal scouring pads
These items can scratch, crack and discolor surfaces.
DDoo nnoott ppllaaccee iiccee bbuucckkeett oorr sshheellvveess iinn ddiisshhwwaasshheerr..
GGllaassss SShheellvveess
Remove shelf by lifting front, releasing hooks from metal track then
pulling out. Place shelf on a towel. Allow shelf to adjust to room
temperature before cleaning.
TToo cclleeaann ccrreevviicceess::
1. Dilute mild detergent and brush solution into crevices using a
plastic bristle brush. Let set for 5 minutes.
2. Spray warm water into crevices using faucet spray attachment.
3. Dry shelf thoroughly and replace shelf by inserting hooks into metal
track and lowering front.
To avoid personal injury or property damage, handle tempered
glass shelves carefully. Shelves may break suddenly if nicked,
scratched, or exposed to sudden temperature changes.
To avoid personal injury or property damage, read and follow all
cleaning product manufacturer’s directions.
RReeppllaacciinngg WWaatteerr FFiilltteerr
Air trapped in water filtration system may cause water
and cartridge to eject. Use caution when removing.
1. Turn filter cartridge counterclockwise until it releases from filter
2. Drain water from filter into sink and dispose of cartridge.
3. Wipe up excess water at filter location and continue with steps 2
and 3 under “Installing Water Filter”.
WWhheenn ttoo CChhaannggee tthhee WWaatteerr FFiilltteerr
The water filter should be changed approximately every 9 months or
after 750 gallons of water used (whichever comes first). Replace
cartridge when flow becomes too slow.
Condition of water and amount used determines life
span of water filter cartridge. If water use is high, or if water is of poor
quality, replacement may need to be more frequent.
HHooww ttoo OOrrddeerr RReeppllaacceemmeenntt FFiilltteerr CCaarrttrriiddggeess
Replacement filters are available through your local Viking Range
Dealer. You may also order filters by calling Viking Range Preferred
Service at 1-888-845-4641, or online at www.vikingrange.com.
DDoooorr GGaasskkeettss
Clean door gaskets every 3 months using same procedures as stated
for interior surfaces. Apply a light film of petroleum jelly to keep
gaskets pliable.