
After ice is formed, the ice
maker drops ice cubes into the
ice bucket. During ice
production, the ice maker arm
raises and lowers. When the
ice bucket is full, the ice maker
arm turns ice maker off. To
manually stop ice production,
raise the ice maker arm. A
definite click is heard when
proper position is reached. In
non-dispensing models, ice maker will not function unless ice bin is
pushed all the way back into position.
SSoollvviinngg ccoommmmoonn iiccee mmaakkeerr pprroobblleemmss
PPrroobblleemm PPoossssiibbllee CCaauussee//SSoolluuttiioonn
Ice crescents attached at This is normal. They break apart easily.
corners Shake bin occasionally to keep cubes
Ice maker will not operate •On/Off lever is in the OFF (up)
or ice is not made fast position. Lower lever to ON (down)
enough. position.
•Freezer is not cold enough. Adjust
temperature controls and wait 24
Off-taste or odor in ice •New plumbing connections can cause
discolored or off-flavored ice.
Discard the first three harvests of ice.
•Cubes are stored too long. Throw
them away and make a new supply.
•Food is not wrapped properly.
•Freezer and ice bin need to be
•Water may contain minerals. A filter
may be needed to remove them.
As the MEAT SAVOR™/PRODUCE drawer glides forward on an inner
and outer track, the lid raises for easy access of items. The MEAT
SAVOR™/PRODUCE drawer holds extra-large deli trays, wine bottles,
etc. The lid can also be removed and the drawer repositioned for tall
items such as tiered cakes, flower arrangements, etc.
TThhee ccoovveerr iiss nnoott
ddeessiiggnneedd ffoorr uussee aass aa sshheellff wwhheenn tthhee ddrraawweerr iiss rreeppoossiittiioonneedd..
To avoid damage to ice maker, observe the following:
•Do not force ice maker arm down or up past stop position.
•Do not place or store anything in ice bucket.
UUssiinngg tthhee AAuuttoommaattiicc IIccee MMaakkeerr
The ice maker and slide-out ice bucket are not adjustable. The ice
bucket slides forward for easy access of ice. The ice maker will not
produce ice when the ice bucket is not in place. After the freezer
section reaches normal temperature, the ice maker fills with water and
begins operating. Allow 24-48 hours after installation before first
harvest of ice. Discard the first 3 harvests of ice after initially
connecting refrigeration to household water supply and after extended
periods of non-use. The ice maker produces 7 to 9 batches of ice in a
24 hour period under ideal conditions.
TToo rreemmoovvee tthhee ddrraawweerr::
1. Roll drawer out to the stop.
2. Remove lid by lifting back to release hooks then pulling out.
Remove drawer by lifting slightly.
3. Pull drawer out the rest of the way.
TToo rreeppllaaccee::
1. Position drawer rollers behind the
track roller.
2. Push drawer up and onto track.
Slide drawer back slightly.
3. Replace cover by inserting hooks
into drawer then placing back and
front down.
4. Slide drawer back until it stops.
FFrreeeezzeerr FFeeaattuurreess