
CChhiillll ZZoonnee
The Chill Zone features 2 moisture-controlled produce drawers and the
MEAT SAVOR™/PRODUCE drawer. Freezer air circulating in the Chill
Zone is contained by gaskets in the shelf above the drawers. This area
keeps food up to 3 - 5
F (-16 - -31
C) colder than refrigerator
The temperature control is located to the right of the MEAT
SAVOR™/PRODUCE drawer underneath the lid. Control adjusts
amount of freezer air circulating in this area. Slide control down for
normal refrigerator temperature and up for colder temperatures.
MMooiissttuurree--CCoonnttrroolllleedd PPrroodduuccee DDrraawweerrss
The moisture control on the produce drawers gives you the ability to
change the amount of moisture or humidity in the produce drawer.
The clear top section allows you to see into the drawer without
opening it.
The moisture control is located underneath the front trim. Slide the
control to a higher setting for storing deli items and produce with
leaves such as lettuce, spinach, or cabbage. Slide the control to a
lower setting for storing fruits and vegetables with skins such as apples,
corn, or tomatoes. See “Food Storage Guide” (pg. 22) for more
information on storing foods properly.
1. Remove drawer by lifting and
pulling out. Remove shelf by
lifting front, releasing hooks from
shelf support then pulling out.
Remove one drawer with 90
door opening. Center glide
support will slide out for removal
of second drawer.
2. Replace shelf by inserting hooks
into shelf support and lowering
front. Replace drawer by sliding
DDoooorr BBiinn AAddjjuussttmmeenntt
Door bins hold two-liter bottles
and can be placed in any
position on the refrigerator door.
To remove:
1. Grasp door bin.
2. Lift bin up and pull out.
To replace:
1. Place door bin over glides in
refrigerator door.
2. Push door bin down to lock
into place.
DDaaiirryy CCoommppaarrttmmeennttss
Dairy compartment doors are surrounded by gaskets for a tighter seal
which allow items to stay fresh longer. Dairy compartments also adjust
to meet individual storage needs.
To remove:
1. Grasp dairy compartment.
2. Lift compartment up and pull out.
To replace:
1. Place dairy ocompartment over
glides in refrigerator door.
2. Push compartment down to lock
into place.