BBuurrnn HHaazzaarrdd
DDoo nnoott ttoouucchh ccoonnddeennsseerr ccooiillss
nneeaarr ddeeffrroosstt ppaann..
DDooiinngg ssoo ccaann rreessuulltt iinn bbuurrnnss..
EElleeccttrriiccaall SShhoocckk HHaazzaarrdd
DDiissccoonnnneecctt ppoowweerr oorr ttuurrnn
ppoowweerr ddiissccoonnnneecctt sswwiittcchh ttoo
OOFFFF ppoossiittiioonn bbeeffoorree rreemmoovviinngg
.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo ddoo ssoo ccaann
rreessuulltt iinn ddeeaatthh oorr eelleeccttrriiccaall
DDeeffrroosstt PPaann
To prevent condensation from
overflowing, check defrost pan
periodically. The defrost pan is
located behind the kickplate. To
remove defrost pan, remove (4)
screws in the kickplate. Clean the
pan and replace.
DDoooorr SSttoopp AAddjjuussttmmeenntt
1. Remove center grille louver from
top air grille.
2. Remove top air grille by removing
(4) 1/4” screws with an 8” long
magnetic 1/4” nut driver. Pull
assembly forward.
3. Open refrigerator door so door
stop arm and shoulder screw are
accessible. Shoulder screws
should be in 110
door opening
4. Remove shoulder screw and place
shoulder screw in the 90
or 120
door opening position.
5. Replace air grille assembly.
FFrreeeezzeerr DDoooorr
RReeffrriiggeerraattoorr DDoooorr
CClleeaanniinngg CChhaarrtt
PPaarrtt WWhhaatt ttoo UUssee HHooww ttoo CClleeaann
Removable parts Sponge or cloth with mild Hand wash,
(shelves, drawers) detergent and warm water. rinse, and
dry thoroughly.
Front Door panels
•Stainless steel Stainless steel cleaner Wipe with soft
•Painted Sponge or cloth with mild Hand wash,
detergent and warm water. rinse, and
dry thoroughly
Interior walls Sponge, soft cloth or paper Hand wash,
(allow freezer to towel with baking soda or rinse, and
warm up so cloth or mild detergent and dry thoroughly.
will not stick) warm water.
Door liners and Sponge, soft cloth or paper Wash, wipe
gaskets towel with mild detergent and dry
and warm water.
DDoo nnoott
uussee cclleeaanniinngg wwaaxxeess,,
ccoonncceennttrraatteedd ddeetteerrggeennttss,,
oorr cclleeaanneerrss ccoonnttaaiinniinngg
cchhlloorriinnee bblleeaacchh..
Plastic parts Soft, clean sponge or soft Wash, wipe
(covers, panels) clean cloth with mild and dry
detergent and warm water thoroughly.
DDoo nnoott uussee ppaappeerr ttoowweellss,,
wwiinnddooww sspprraayyss,, oorr ssccoouurriinngg
ppaaddss.. TThheessee ccaann ssccrraattcchh
aanndd ddaammaaggee tthhee ffiinniisshh..
Condenser Coil Vacuum cleaner with Vacuum coils
extended narrow when dusty or
attachment dirty.