
STATus Subsystem
VX1410A & VX1420A IntelliFrame Mainframe Instruction Manual
Overflow register for the STATus:SEVent summary event register. Returns the
summary information on the power supply current events, total power (wattage)
events, TTLTrigger events and IRQ events.
A one in a bit indicates the corresponding event has been asserted. Unused bits
always return a value of zero. The query return a value of zero. The query returns
a value of zero upon power on or when you send the *CLS command. Reading
the events by this command will not clear the events.
There is no command associated with this query.
Parameter Query response
Not Applicable <NR1>
Event status word bits Definition
D0 +24 V Current
D1 +12 V Current
D2 +5 V Current
D3 Not Used
D4 Not Used
D5 –2 V Current
D6 –5PT2V Current
D7 –12V Current
D8 –24 V Current
D9 Total Power
D10 IRQ1 occurred
D11 IRQ2 occurred
D12 IRQ3 occurred
D13 IRQ4 occurred
D14 IRQ5 occurred
D15 IRQ6 occurred
D16 IRQ7 occurred
D17 TTL0trig occurred