Command Groups
VX1410A & VX1420A IntelliFrame Mainframe Instruction Manual
Table 3–8: Status commands (Cont.)
Header Description
:SPEed? Returns the fan speed in revolutions per minute.
:CONDition? Returns the contents of the Questionable Condition
:ENABle[?] Sets or queries the contents of the Questionable Status
Enable register.
:TINTerval[?] Sets or queries the filter cleaning interval time.
:TREMaining? Returns the remaining time for the next filter cleaning
:TRESet Resets the remaining filter cleaning time to the filter
cleaning interval.
:POWer? Returns the contents of the power event register.
:CMAXimum? Returns the maximum power used since power up.
:CONDition? Returns the contents of the power condition register.
:ENABle[?] Sets or queries the contents of the power enable
:LEVel? Returns the wattage used by the mainframe.
:LIMit[?] Set or query the maximum amount of power allowed
before generating an alarm.
:MAXimum? Returns the maximum power high mark used since the
last factory maintenance.
:TEMPerature? Returns the contents of the Temperature Event register
as a decimal number.
:CMAXimum? Returns the maximum measurable temperatures in the
mainframe since power on.
:CONDition? Returns the contents of the Temperature Condition
:ENABle[?] Sets or queries the contents of the Temperature Enable
:LEVel? Returns the current temperatures in the mainframe.
:LIMit[?] Sets or queries the maximum ambient and delta
temperatures in each slot of the mainframe.
:MAXimum? Returns the maximum measurable temperatures in the
mainframe since the last factory maintenance.
:VOLTage? Returns the contents of the Voltage Event register as a
decimal number.
:CONDition? Returns the contents of the Voltage Condition register.