VX1410A & VX1420A IntelliFrame Mainframe Instruction Manual
Table 4–5: Environmental
Characteristic Description
Classification The IntelliFrame Mainframe is suitable for operation in the
Tektronix and MIL-T-28800E (Type III, Class 5,
Style E or F) environments as specified in this table.
Temperature Meets the limits stated in MIL-T-28800E for Type III, Class 5
Operating 0° C to 55° C, derated 1° C/1000 ft (305 m) above 5000 ft
(1524 m)
Nonoperating –40° C to 75° C
Relative Humidity
Operating Up to 95% at up to 30° C and up to 45% at up to 55° C
Nonoperating Up to 95% at up to 55° C
Operating 15,000 ft. (4570 m) operating temperature derated
1° C/1000 ft (305 m) above 5000 ft (1524 m)
Nonoperating 40,000 ft (12,190 m)
Random Vibration Three axis, 30 minutes total, 10 minutes per axis, without
VXI modules installed. Rear face exempted.
Operating 0.27 g
total from 5 Hz to 500 Hz
Nonoperating 2.28 g
total from 5 Hz to 500 Hz
Mechanical Shock,
Half Sine, 30 g’s, 11 ms duration, 3 drops each side, 18
shocks total, without VXI modules installed or with
installed VXI modules weighing less than 5 lbs each.
Meets functional shock requirements of Mil–T–28800E,
Type III, Class 5.
User Handling, Operating Each edge lifted four inches and allowed to free fall onto a
solid wooden bench surface without VXI modules installed.
Rear face exempted.