Command Groups
VX1410A & VX1420A IntelliFrame Mainframe Instruction Manual
Test Commands
Commands in the TEST subsystem execute the internal self-tests of the
IntelliFrame Mainframe Detailed information on the TEST subsystem begins on
page 3–149.
Table 3–10: Test commands
Header Description
[:ALL][?] Executes all internal self tests once. The query returns the test
:NUMBer[?] Executes a test. The query returns the test result.
:RESults? Returns the failure code for the last self-test command that
was executed.
:VERBose? Returns a failure code as a string describing the last executed
self-test command and the test results.
VXI Monitor Commands
Commands in the VXIMonitor subsystem control parameters that relate to the
VXIbus. Detailed information on the VXIMonitor subsystem begins on
page 3–155.
Table 3–11: VXI Monitor commands
Header Description
:REPeat[?] Sets or queries the repeat mode of the VXI monitor.
:STATe[?] Starts or stops the VXI monitor.
:TINTerval[?] Sets the time interval to run the VXI monitor.