VX1410A & VX1420A IntelliFrame Mainframe Instruction Manual
3. Send the STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle command to enable bit 4 in the
Questionable Enable register. If any problems occur with any of the slots, the
corresponding bit will be set.
Example 3: Summarize Status Information
The following example shows how to return a summary of the status information
using the STAT:SEVent command.
Send the STAT:SEVent? query and note the returned information. For example,
assume that the query returns a decimal value of 1073741947 (0X4000007b).
Decoding the information indicates that both fans failed and that the tempera-
tures for slots 0 through 3 exceeded the specified limits.
Since bit 30 is set, the overflow register should also be checked (STAT:S2EV?).
Example 4: Monitor the Power Supply Currents
See STATus subsystem on page 3–31.
Example 5: VXIMonitor
See VXIMonitor subsystem on page 3–155.