
PCH PEG (Pitch Envelope Generator)
InitLvl (Initial Level)
Set the Initial Level.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
Set the Attack Time.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
Set the Release Time.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
Set the Release Level.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
Pitch Envelope Generator Settings
You can set two time (speed) parameters and two level
(pitch) parameters controlling the change in pitch from
the moment you press a note on the keyboard to the
moment you release it. When you press a note on the
keyboard, the initial pitch is defined by the InitLvl
parameter setting. The pitch then changes from the
InitLvl value to the peak pitch within the time set in
the Attack parameter. Thereafter, the pitch change is
defined by the Release Time/Level settings.
Plug-in Element EQ (Equalizer)
You can set the equalizer settings for the Wave. This is
a shelving equalizer with two bands; one for high
frequencies and another for low frequencies.
PCHíPEG)InitLvl Attack Release---Level
Elem +63 +63 +63 -64
Voice Mode
EQ Param (EQ Parameter)
LoFreq (Low Frequency)
Set the shelving point for the low frequencies. The
levels of signals below this frequency will be
boosted/attenuated by the amount set in the LoGain
Settings: 32Hz ~ 2.0kHz
LoGain (Low Gain)
Set the amount by which signals below the LoFreq
frequency will be boosted/attenuated.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
HiFreq (High Frequency)
Set the shelving point for the high frequencies. The
levels of signals above this frequency will be
boosted/attenuated by the amount set in the HiGain
Settings: 500Hz ~ 16.0kHz
HiGain (High Gain)
Set the amount by which signals above the HiFreq
frequency will be boosted/attenuated.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
Plug-in Element Native
With a Plug-in Board installed, you have native and
unique parameters to set up a Board Voice from the
Plug-in Board.
PLG-NATIVE (Plug-in Native)
Native Part Parameters are displayed. Use the [PAGE]
knob to switch to the screen for the desired parameter,
then use Knob [C] and Knob [2] to enter the settings.
The parameters and number of screens will vary
depending on the Plug-in Board. For details about each
parameter and its functions, refer to the Owner’s Manual
or the on-line help that came with your Plug-in Board.
EQíParam)LoFreq LoGain HiFreq HiGain
Elem 2.0k +12dB 16.0k -12dB