
Voice Mode
FEG Release
You can set Release Time and Release Level parameters
for the Filter Envelope Generator (FEG). Combined
with the FEG Time and FEG Level settings, these can
be used control the change in sound from the moment
a note is released.
Time (Release Time)
Set the Release Time.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Level (Release Level)
Set the Release Level.
Settings: -128 ~ 0 ~ +127 (-9600 cents ~ 0 ~ +9600 cents)
Filter Envelope Generator Settings
There are five Time settings (controlling the speed
of changes to the sound) and five Level settings
(controlling the amount of filtering applied). The
tone of a note is held at the Hold Level for the
length of time defined by the Hold Time. After the
Hold Time has elapsed, the tone changes in
accordance with the Attack Time/Level, Decay 1/2
Time and the Decay 1 Level, then settles at the
Sustain Level. When the note is released, the
change in tone is governed by the Release
Time/Level settings.
Velocity Sensitivity and other parameters can also
be set if required.
FLT KeyFlw (Filter Key Follow)
You can set Filter Key Follow parameters for each
Element. This parameter controls the Filter Cutoff and
FEG behavior according to the position of the notes
played on the keyboard.
The availability of the Filter Key Follow parameter
depends on the Break Point and Offset settings in the FLT
Scale screen.
FLTíKeyFlw)Cutoff-Center EGTime--Center
EL1234 +200% (C 3) 63 C 3
FEGíRelease) Time Level
EL1234 127 +127
FEG Time
You can set various Time parameters for the Filter
Envelope Generator (FEG). Combined with the FEG
Level and FEG Release settings, these can be used
control the change in sound from the moment a note is
pressed on the keyboard to the moment it is released.
You can set different values for each Element.
Hold (Hold Time)
Set the Hold Time.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Attack (Attack Time)
Set the Attack Time.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Decay1 (Decay 1 Time)
Set the Decay 1 Time.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Decay2 (Decay 2 Time)
Set the Decay 2 Time.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
FEG Level
You can set a Level parameter for the Filter Envelope
Generator (FEG). Combined with the FEG Time and
FEG Release settings, these can be used control the
change in sound from the moment a note is pressed on
the keyboard to the moment it is released. You can set
different values for each Element.
Hold (Hold Level)
Set the Hold Level.
Settings: -128 ~ 0 ~ +127 (-9600 cents ~ 0 ~ +9600 cents)
Attack (Attack Level)
Set the Attack Level.
Settings: -128 ~ 0 ~ +127 (-9600 cents ~ 0 ~ +9600 cents)
Decay1 (Decay 1 Level)
Set the Decay 1 Level.
Settings: -128 ~ 0 ~ +127 (-9600 cents ~ 0 ~ +9600 cents)
Sustain (Sustain Level)
Set the Sustain Level.
Settings: -128 ~ 0 ~ +127 (-9600 cents ~ 0 ~ +9600 cents)
FEGíLevel) Hold Attack Decay1 Sustain
EL1234 +127 -128 +127 + 0
FEGíTime) Hold Attack Decay1 Decay2
EL1234 127 127 127 127