
Voice Mode
Src (Source)
Set the Controller used to control the function chosen
in Dest. The following nine controllers are available.
Settings: PB (Pitch Bend Wheel), MW (Modulation
Wheel), AT (Aftertouch), FC (Foot Controller),
FS (Foot Switch), RB (Ribbon Controller), BC
(Breath Controller), KN1/2 (Knobs 1/2)
Dest (Destination)
Set the parameter to be controlled by the Control Set
in Src.
Settings: (see the Controls List of the separate Data List)
ElemSw (Element Switch)
Select whether the Controller will affect each individual
Element. Move the cursor (blinking) using Knob [1] and
use the [DATA] knob or the [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO]
keys to enable/disable the Elements which the Controller
will affect. Affected Elements are shown by number.
Settings: Elements 1 to 4 enabled (“1” to “4” displayed) or
disabled (“-” displayed)
This is disabled if the Dest parameter is set to 00 to 33.
Set the amount by which the parameter selected in
Dest can be controlled.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
Example of Control Set Assignment
Using Control Sets 1 to 6, you can assign individual
Src (Source) controllers to multiple Dest
(Destination) parameters, or multiple Src controllers
to individual Dest parameters.
Ex.1:Use a single Src controller to control multiple
Dest parameters.
Ex.2:Use multiple Src controllers to control a single
Dest parameter.
Details about Control Set Assignments are given in
the Basics Section of this manual (Page 49).
Common LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator)
There are various settings for the LFO. The LFO is
used to generate low frequency signals and can be used
to create vibrato, wah, tremolo and other effects when
applied to pitch/filter/amplitude/etc. parameters. For
example, variations can be simultaneously applied to
both pitch and filter parameters, and to parameters
specific to individual Elements. The following four
settings are available.
LFO Wave
LFO Fade
LFO Dest1 (LFO Destination 1)
LFO Dest2 (LFO Destination 2)
LFO Wave
Select the LFO Wave. Depending on the Wave
selected, you can create different kinds of modulated
sounds. The following 12 LFO waveforms are
Settings: tri, tri+, saw up, saw dw, squ1/4, squ1/3, squ,
squ2/3, squ3/4, trpzd, S/H 1, S/H 2
saw up
saw dw
LFOíWave) Wave^ Speed KeyReset Phase
C 1234 trpzd 63 on 270