
Performance Mode
2Source Performance Number
Select the Performance Number of the source
Performance. The Performance Name is shown in
the top line of the display.
Settings: 001 ~ 128 (INT), 001 ~ 064(EXT)
When copying, you can set the current Performance
number (destination) for the source Performance
number. In this case, if you have edited several settings
of the current Performance, you will copy those recent
settings, not stored ones (before editing). Therefore,
you can edit a Part and copy all edits to another Part.
3Source Performance Part
Select the Part of the source Performance.
Settings: Part01 to Part16, PartCL (Phrase Clip Part),
PartAD (A/D Input Part), PartP1/P2 (Plug-in
Part 1/2)
The Memory, Bank Select and Program Number
settings cannot be copied if you have set the source or
destination to something other than Part01 to Part16.
4Destination Part
Set the Part of the destination Performance.
Settings: Part01 to Part16, Arp (Arpeggio), Effect,
PartCL (Phrase Clip Part), PartAD (A/D Input
Part), PartP1/P2 (Plug-in Part 1/2)
If you choose Arp (Arpeggio) or Effect, the Arpeggio
and Effect settings for the Voice assigned to the source
Part will be copied.
The Memory, Bank Select and Program Number
settings cannot be copied if you have set the source or
destination to something other than Part01 to Part16.
PFM Bulk Dump
You can send all the parameter settings for the current
Performance to your computer or some other external
MIDI device using Bulk Dump.
You must set the correct MIDI Device Number in order to
execute a Bulk Dump. Details are given on Page 166.
PRF Bulk Dump)
Job Current Perform
Performance Store
You can store the parameter settings for up to 128
Performances to each of your synthesizer’s Memories
(INT: Internal) or up to 64 Performances to Memory
Card (EXT: External). The procedure is as follows.
When you execute this, the settings for the destination
Performance will be overwritten. Important data should
always be backed up to computer, a separate Memory Card
or some other storage device.
1Press the [STORE] key after editing a Performance.
You will see the Performance Store display.
2Use Knob [1] to select the destination Performance
Memory (INT or EXT).
3Use Knob [2] to select the destination Performance
This will set the Performance Memory/Number to
which your Performance will be stored.
You can also use the [DATA] knob or [DEC/NO] and
[INC/YES] keys to execute this operation.
4When you press the [ENTER] key, you will be
prompted for confirmation.
5Press the [INC/YES] key to confirm. The message
“Executing…” will be displayed while the Job is
being processed. When it has completed, you will
see the message “Completed.” and you will be
returned to Performance Play Mode.
You can press the [DEC/NO] key to cancel the Job.
This will return you to the original screen.
PFMí [Pf:GrandPiano] >[Pf:Init Perf ]
<< Are you sure? [YES]/[NO] >>
PFMí [Pf:GrandPiano] >[Pf:Init Perf ]
Store INT:128(H16)