
Level (Release Level)
This shows the Release Level. (Fixed at zero.)
Amplitude Envelope Generator Settings
There are four Time settings (controlling the speed
of changes in output level) and five Level settings
(controlling the output level). The output level
changes from the Initial Level to the Attack Level
(127) within the Attack Time. It then changes in
accordance with the Decay 1/2 Time and the Decay
1 Level, and settles at the Sustain Level. When the
note is released, the output level falls to the Release
Level (zero) within the Release Time.
Velocity Sensitivity and other parameters can also
be set if required.
AMP KeyFlw (AMP Key Follow)
You can set Amplitude Key Follow parameters for each
Element. This parameter controls the AEG behavior
according to the positions of notes on the keyboard.
The availability of the Amplitude Key Follow parameter
depends on the Break Point and Offset settings in the AEG
Scale screen.
Set the Amplitude Key Follow ratio (the amount by
which the output level varies according to note
position) for each Element. A Center setting of C3 is
used as the basic setting.
A positive setting will lower the output level for
lower notes and raise it for higher notes. A negative
setting will have the opposite effect.
Settings: -200% ~ 0 ~ +200%
AMPíKeyFlw)Level-Center EGTime--Center
EL1234 +200% (C 3) +63 C 3
Voice Mode
Center (Center Key)
This shows that the basic Level is at note C3. At this
note, the output level remains unchanged. For other
notes, the output levels vary according to the Level
settings. The Center setting cannot be changed.
The EGTime parameter controls the AEG Times for
each Element according to the positions of the notes on
the keyboard. The Center parameter is used as the basic
amplitude for this parameter.
A positive setting will cause the amplitude of lower notes
to change slower and that of higher notes to change
faster. Negative values will have the opposite effect.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
Center (Center Key)
Set the basic pitch used by the EGTime parameter.
When the Center note is played, the AEG behaves
according to its actual settings. The amplitude
change characteristics for other notes will vary in
proportion to the EGTime settings.
Settings: C-2 ~ G8
You can also set this parameter by pressing the
respective note on the keyboard while holding down the
[SHIFT] key.