
Performance Mode
Part Controller
You can set various Controller parameters for the A/D
Input Part and Multi Plug-in Parts 17 to 32. The
following two screens for A/D Input Part parameters
and six screens for the Multi Plug-in Part parameters
are available.
CTL Set1 (Controller Set 1) (A/D Input Part only)
CTL Set2 (Controller Set 2) (A/D Input Part only)
CTL MW Control (MW Control Depth) (Multi Plug-in
Parts only)
CTL MW Modulation (MW Modulation Depth) (Multi
Plug-in Parts only)
CTL AT Control (AT Control Depth) (Multi Plug-in
Parts only)
CTL AT Modulation (AT Modulation Depth) (Multi
Plug-in Parts only)
CTL AC Control (AC Control Depth) (Multi Plug-in
Parts only)
CTL AC Modulation (AC Modulation Depth) (Multi
Plug-in Parts only)
CTL Set1/CTL Set2 (Control Set 1/2)
(A/D Input Part only)
The controllers and knobs on the front panel, the
keyboard, and so on can be assigned a variety of uses.
For example, keyboard aftertouch can be used to
control vibrato and the Modulation Wheel could be
used to control Resonance. These control assignments
are called “Control Sets.” You can assign up to two
different Control Sets to the A/D Input Part. Thus
there are two screens, each for a separate controller:
CTL Set1 and CTL Set2.
Src (Source)
Set the Controller used to control the parameter
specified in Dest. The following controllers are
Settings: PB (Pitch Bend Wheel), MW (Modulation Wheel),
AT (Aftertouch), FC (Foot Controller), FS (Foot
Switch), RB (Ribbon Controller), BC (Breath
Controller), KN1/2 (Knob [1]/[2])
A/D Input
(Modulation Wheel)
(Knob 1)
CTLíSet1) Src Dest Depth
PartAD FC(04) off +63
Dest (Destination)
Set the parameter to be controlled by the Controller
specified in Src.
Settings: see the separate Control List.
Depth (Depth)
Set the amount by which the parameter selected in
Dest can be controlled.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
Using Voice Control Sets 1 and 2, you can assign
individual Src (Source) controllers to multiple Dest
(Destination) parameters, or multiple Src controllers to
individual Dest parameters. Details are given on Page 85.
CTL MW Control (MW Control Depth)
(Multi Plug-in Parts only)
The Modulation Wheel can be used to control Filter and
Amp parameters for each Multi Plug-in Part (17 to 32).
Set the amount by which the Modulation Wheel can
be used to adjust the filter’s Cutoff frequency.
Settings: -64 ~ +63
Set the amount by which the Modulation Wheel can
be used to adjust the output level (amplitude).
Settings: -64 ~ +63
CTL MW Modulation
(MW Modulation Depth)
(Multi Plug-in Parts only)
The Modulation Wheel can be used to control the
amount of pitch/filter/amplitude modulation applied to
each Multi Plug-in Part (17 to 32).
PMod (Pitch Modulation Depth)
Set the amount by which the pitch modulation
changes when the Modulation Wheel is used.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
CTLíMW Modulation) PMod FMod AMod
Part17 127 127 127
CTLíMW Control) Filter Amp
Part17 +63 +63