
Chapter 2 Creating and Deploying Configuration Profiles 19
A screen similar to the one shown here will appear.
For information about using the utility, see “Creating Configuration Profiles,” below.
Changing the User name and Password for iPhone Configuration Utility Web
To change the user name and password for accessing the utility, edit the following file:
 installpath/Apple/iPhone Configuration Web Utility/config/authentication.rb
The default installation location is:
 Mac OS X: /usr/local/iPhoneConfigService/
 Windows: \Program Files\Apple\iPhone Configuration Web Utility
Changing the Web Server Port Number for iPhone Configuration Utility Web
By default, the utility listens for HTTP connections on port 3000. To change the port
number, find the text :port => 3000 in the file listed below and change 3000 to a port
that isn’t already in use.
 Mac OS X: installpath/vendor/rails/railties/lib/commands/servers/mongrel.rb
 Windows: installpath\vendor\rails\railties\lib\commands\webrick.rb
The default installation location is:
 Mac OS X: /usr/local/iPhoneConfigService/
 Windows: \Program Files\Apple\iPhone Configuration Web Utility
After changing the port number, stop and restart the utility. See the instructions below.
Starting or Restarting iPhone Configuration Utility Web
The utility is automatically started by the installer on Windows, or when it’s needed by
Mac OS X, but if you experience problems or change the mail settings, port number,
or user name and password settings, you should stop and restart the utility. Follow the
steps below: