Appendix B Configuration Profile Format 53
APN Payload
The APN (Access Point Name) payload is designated by the com.apple.apn.managed
PayloadType value. In addition to the settings common to all payloads, this payload
defines the following:
Exchange Payload
The Exchange payload is designated by the com.apple.eas.account PayloadType value.
This payload creates a Microsoft Exchange account on the device. In addition to the
settings common to all payloads, this payload defines the following:
Key Value
DefaultsData Dictionary, mandatory. This dictionary contains two key/value
DefaultsDomainName String, mandatory. The only allowed value is
apns Array, mandatory. This array contains an arbitrary number of
dictionaries, each describing an APN configuration, with the
key/value pairs below.
apn String, mandatory. This string specifies the Access Point Name.
username String, mandatory. This string specifies the user name for this
APN. If it is missing, the device prompts for it during profile
password Data, optional. This data represents the password for the user for
this APN. For obfuscation purposes, it is encoded. If it is missing
from the payload, the device prompts for it during profile
Key Value
EmailAddress String, mandatory. If not present in the payload, the device
prompts for this string during profile installation. Specifies the
full email address for the account.
Host String, mandatory. Specifies the Exchange server host name
(or IP address).
SSL Boolean, optional. Default YES. Specifies whether the Exchange
server uses SSL for authentication.
UserName String, mandatory. This string specifies the user name for this
Exchange account. If missing, the devices prompts for it during
profile installation.