
Appendix B Configuration Profile Format 57
EAP-Fast Support
The EAP-FAST module uses the following properties in the EAPClientConfiguration
Thes keys are hierarchical in nature: if EAPFASTUsePAC is false, the other two properties
aren’t consulted. Similarly, if EAPFASTProvisionPAC is false,
EAPFASTProvisionPACAnonymously isn’t consulted.
If EAPFASTUsePAC is false, authentication proceeds much like PEAP or TTLS: the server
proves its identity using a certificate each time.
TLSTrustedServerCommonNames Array of string values, optional. This is the list of server certificate
common names that will be accepted. If a server presents a
certificate that is not in this list, it will not be trusted.
Used alone or in combination with TLSTrustedCertificates, the
property allows someone to carefully craft which certificates to
trust for the given network, and avoid dynamically trusted
Dynamic trust (the certificate dialogue) is disabled if this
property is specified, unless TLSAllowTrustExceptions is also
specified with the value true (see below).
TLSAllowTrustExceptions Boolean, optional. Allows/disallows a dynamic trust decision by
the user. The dynamic trust is the certificate dialogue that
appears when a certificate isn’t trusted. If this is false, the
authentication fails if the certificate isn’t already trusted. See
TLSTrustedCertificates and TLSTrustedServerCommonNames
The default value of this property is true unless either
TLSTrustedCertificates or TLSTrustedServerCommonNames is
supplied, in which case the default value is false.
TTLSInnerAuthentication String, optional. This is the inner authentication used by the
TTLS module. The default value is “MSCHAPv2”.
Possible values are “PAP”, “CHAP”, “MSCHAP”, and “MSCHAPv2”.
OuterIdentity String, optional. This key is only relevant to TTLS, PEAP, and EAP-
This allows the user to hide his/her identity. The user’s actual
name appears only inside the encrypted tunnel. For example, it
could be set to “anonymous” or “anon”, or
It can increase security because an attacker can’t see the
authenticating user’s name in the clear.
Key Value
Key Value
EAPFASTUsePAC Boolean, optional.
EAPFASTProvisionPAC Boolean, optional.
EAPFASTProvisionPACAnonymously Boolean, optional.