Apple iPod and iPod Touch Cell Phone User Manual

52 Appendix B Configuration Profile Format
Email Payload
The email payload is designated by the PayloadType value.
This payload creates an email account on the device. In addition to the settings
common to all payloads, this payload defines the following:
Key Value
EmailAccountDescription String, optional. A user-visible description of the email account,
shown in the Mail and Settings applications.
EmailAccountName String, optional. The full user name for the account. This is the
user name in sent messages, etc.
EmailAccountType String, mandatory. Allowed values are EmailTypePOP and
EmailTypeIMAP. Defines the protocol to be used for that
EmailAddress String, mandatory. Designates the full email address for the
account. If not present in the payload, the device prompts for
this string during profile installation.
IncomingMailServerAuthentication String, mandatory. Designates the authentication scheme for
incoming mail. Allowed values are EmailAuthPassword and
IncomingMailServerHostName String, mandatory. Designates the incoming mail server host
name (or IP address).
IncomingMailServerPortNumber Number, optional. Designates the incoming mail server port
number. If no port number is specified, the default port for a
given protocol is used.
IncomingMailServerUseSSL Boolean, optional. Default Yes. Designates whether the incoming
mail server uses SSL for authentication.
IncomingMailServerUsername String, mandatory. Designates the user name for the email
account, usually the same as the email address up to the @
character. If not present in the payload, and the account is set
up to require authentication for incoming email, the device will
prompt for this string during profile installation.
OutgoingMailServerAuthentication String, mandatory. Designates the authentication scheme for
outgoing mail. Allowed values are EmailAuthPassword and
OutgoingMailServerHostName String, mandatory. Designates the outgoing mail server host
name (or IP address).
OutgoingMailServerPortNumber Number, optional. Designates the outgoing mail server port
number. If no port number is specified, ports 25, 587 and 465
are used, in this order.
OutgoingMailServerUseSSL Boolean, optional. Default Yes. Designates whether the outgoing
mail server uses SSL for authentication.
OutgoingMailServerUsername String, mandatory. Designates the user name for the email
account, usually the same as the email address up to the @
character. If not present in the payload, and the account is set
up to require authentication for outgoing email, the device
prompts for this string during profile installation.