
24 Chapter 2 Creating and Deploying Configuration Profiles
VPN Settings
Use this pane to enter the VPN settings for connecting to your network. You can add
multiple sets of VPN connections by clicking the Add (+) button.
For information about supported VPN protocols and authentication methods, see
“VPN” on page 8.
Email Settings
Use this pane to configure POP or IMAP mail accounts for the user. These accounts will
be added to the device, and as with Exchange accounts, users need to manually enter
information you omit from the profile, such as their account password, when the profile
is installed.
Users can modify some of the mail settings you provide in a profile, such as the
account name, password, and alternative SMTP servers. If you omit any of this
information from the profile, the users are asked to enter it when they access the
Important: The mail account and all of its data are deleted when the user deletes the
You can add multiple mail accounts by clicking the Add (+) button.
Exchange Settings
Use this pane to enter the user’s settings for your Exchange server. You can create a
profile for a specific user by specifying the user name, host name, and email address, or
you can provide just the host name—the users are prompted to fill in the other values
when they install the profile.
If you specify the user name, host name, and SSL setting in the profile, the user can’t
change these settings on the device.
You can configure only one Exchange account per device. When a profile containing an
Exchange configuration is installed, all of the contacts and calendar data on the device
that was previously synced using iTunes is erased and replaced with data from the
Exchange account. Other email accounts, including any Exchange IMAP accounts, aren’t
affected when you add an Exchange account.
By default, Exchange syncs contacts, calendar, and email. The user can change these
settings on the device, including how many days worth of data to sync, in Settings >
Accounts. When a device is configured to sync calendars or contacts with Exchange,
iTunes no longer syncs the data with a desktop computer.
If you select the Use SSL option, be sure to add the certificates necessary to
authenticate the connection using the Credentials pane.