iTunes Store
about 160
account 10, 15 9, 160, 163, 167
browsing 161
checking download status 165
purchasing ringtones 162
purchasing songs and albums 162
streaming or downloading podcasts 164
syncing purchased content 165
verifying purchases 166
iTunes U
syncing 12, 15, 71
getting help 205
iPhone doesn’t appear in 195
settings panes 13
Emoji 35
international 35, 148
typing on 32
keypad, numbers 50
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) 177
in email 62
on webpages 67
location. See Maps
Location Services 144
location warnings 15 0
locking iPhone 22, 26, 27
lyrics, displaying 75
Mac system requirements 9
magnetic north 173
account setup 59, 15 0
attachments 62, 19 9
Cc 152
checking for new messages 60, 64
deleting email account 151
deleting messages 64
forwarding messages 60
links 62
load additional messages 61
marking messages as unread 63
organizing email 65
password settings 151
problems opening an attachment 199
reading messages 61
replying to messages 60
resizing text column 61
saving drafts 60
searching 64
seeing recipients 63
sending email to someone you’ve texted 89
sending messages 59
sending photos and videos 60
sending webpage addresses 67
sending YouTube video links 108, 109
settings 15 0, 151
share contact information 60
signatures 152
storing email on iPhone or server 151
syncing email account settings 12
Yahoo! email account 18
zooming in a message 61
adding location to a contact 11 9
bookmarking location 11 9
current approximate location 116, 11 9
dropped pin 11 7
nding businesses 121
nding location 11 4
getting directions 11 9
GPS 116
hybrid view 11 8
satellite view 11 8
seeing location of a contact 11 9
share location 11 9
trac conditions 121
zooming 11 5
contacting someone you’ve texted 89
editing conversations 89
following links in messages 89
previews 90
replying to messages 87
saving a photo or video clip 88
saving conversations 87
sending a photo or video clip 88
sending messages 86
setting alert sounds 90
settings 15 7
show earlier messages 87
mic button 39
about 39
built-in 12 5
muting 50
microphone, external 12 5
Microsoft Excel 15 6
Microsoft Exchange 16, 23, 25, 59, 17 6
push accounts 18
searching email 64
setting up account 16
syncing 16, 57, 91
Microsoft Internet Explorer 14, 69
2 11