Call Alert (RCV. TYPE) 46
Selecting a Ringing Tone (SELCT RING) 46
Ringer Volume (RINGER VOL) 46
Auto Answer (AUTO ANS.) 47
Phone Number (PHONE NUM) 48
Phone Version (PHONE VER) 48
Setting NAM (SET NAM) 49
Beep Length (BEEP LEN.) so
Call-nme (CALL TIME) 51
Air -nme (AIR TIME) Roam -nme (ROAM TIME) 51
Ute -nme(L/FE TIME) -nme Alert (TIME ALER1) 52
Area Alert (AREA ALER1) 53
Call Release Alert (CALL RLEAS) 54
Biorhythm (BIORHYTHM) 55
Stopwatdl (STOPWATCH) 57
World -nme (WORLD TIME) 58
Auto Lock (AUTO LOCK) 59
Setting Lock Code (SET LOCK #) 60
Call Restrict (RESTRIC1) 61
.Barring all incoming cal5 (INCOMING) 62
.Barring all outgoing cais (OUTGOING) 62
.Barring the use of memory (USE MEMORY) 63
.Barring all roaming calls (ROAMING) 63
Memory Erase (MEM ERASE) 64
.Clearing memory enbies (ClR MEMORY.) 64
.C~ng call h5lory (CLR DIALED) 65
.Clearing recent (CLR RECENT) 66
.Clearing roamtme (CtR ROAM 1)",""""""""",""","""""","""""""",,,, """",,"67
Resetting the Phone(RESET PHN) """'""":""",.:,"""""""'""'"""""""""""',68
Voice PrivaOj(VOICE PRV") .""""'"'".,"""""""',."..,"""""'"""'""""'"".,,,,",,""""69
Chapter 5 Auxiliary Features , 70
Making an EmergenGyCalI """""'"""""""""""""'""""""""""'"""","""""""""""","",",",71
During a Call,""""",","","",.""",,,","""""",","."""",,"","",","","",.,""""."","",",",",,",""""72
.T mnsmil1ing your phone number """""'"'"""""""'."..""""""'.,."""'."'".,...,"'" 72
.Dl'3piayingyour phone number "..",..""." ,..".,"", "".."",..,.,.,,,,,.."""",",",""72
.Muting the key beep """."""""'""""""""""""'""""."""""""""'".,."""""","""",",,,," 73
.Muting the voice "".," """"""",.",""."""""","".,,,,,. ",.."."",.."""""""""","",,",,,", 73
Short Message Service .,.""'.'""""""""""."'"""".."".".,."""".,,".""'"'""'"""""' 74
.ReceMng a text message""."""""""",""""",""",.".,""."""""".,,,",,"',"'""'"'"""" 74
.R~ng a ~ me55a{}! """'"'""""""",.".".,.."."."..,'"'"""","""""""'"'""""' 74
.Reading the ~OO text message"""","""","",",.",."""."""".".""",".,"",,,,," 75
Chapter 6" Appendix "..
Table of Functions ...""""".""""."""" """"""""" ""..".."..""""".""...".""""."..."...""""".."""""""".".."" 78