Help (Menu )
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Game (Menu )
You can get key information about playing a game if you
select Help after selecting Cricket game in menu.
Cricket (Menu )
Cricket is a game between two teams of 11 players in
which players try to get points by hitting a ball and run-
ning between two sets of stumps.You can select coun-
try among Australia, Sri Lanka, India and England.Each
team has a different ability of batting, pitching and
1.From the Game menu, select Cricket.
2. Select New Game using .
3.To start the game, press Soft Key 1 .
1) Keypad Configuration - Menu Screen
Moves to the Game Selection screen.
Ends the game.
New Game - Starts a new game
Load Game - Loads the game if saved
Option - Adjust the sound and vibration
Help - Display keypad configuration
Score - Save scores
2) Keypad Configuration - Batting Screen