Calculator (Menu )
Calculate simple mathematical computations.
(Can get result up to second decimal place.)
1.From the Organizer menu, select Calculator.
2. Press and in order.
3. Select (multiplication) using keys.
4. Press , in order.
5. Select using Soft Key 1 Answer.
You will see the result of the calculation 250.
Note Calculations can be made with up to 50 characters
at one time (e.g., 73+01-03 would be 8 characters).
World Clock (Menu )
Is useful if you need to make a call to another country,
and you are not sure about the time difference.
1.From the Organizer menu, select World
2. Select the city you desire by using .
For faster selection, can be used to jump 7
cities on the map.
Note With Soft Key 1 DST, set the daylight saving time.
Help (Menu )
You can get more information about this menu.