LG Electronics MMBB0267301(1.0) Cell Phone User Manual

Section 3B: Data Services 159
Go to URLAllows you to navigate directly to a web page
by entering its URL (Web address). Currently, access is
restricted to web pages.
History.Keeps a list of links to your most recently visited
sites. To navigate to a site, highlight it and press , and
then select Connect.
Refresh this page. Reloads the current page.
More....Displays additional options:
Show URL.Displays the URL(Web site address) of
the site you're currently viewing.
RestartBrowser.Restarts the current browser
AboutBrowser. Displays technical information
about the browser, its version, and the encryption
version, and provides links to Certificate
Information for the various components.
Preferences.Displays additional options:
Edit homepage URL. Lets you edit the home page
Revertto default homepage URL.Lets you change
to default home page.
FontSize. Lets you adjust the font size.
Color. Lets you change browser color.
Data Services