■ Edit contact name
1. At the main screen, select Contacts > Edit name.
2. Scroll to the entry you wish to change and select Edit.
3. Enter your changes; then select OK.
■ Delete contacts list entries
1. At the main screen, select Contacts > Delete.
2. To delete individual entries, select One by one.
3. Scroll to the entry you wish to delete, and select Delete > OK to confirm.
4. To delete the entire contents of your contacts list, select Delete all > OK.
5. Enter the lock code, and select OK. See "Security settings," page 64.
■ Add number list entries
Add number allows you to add another number to an existing contact.
1. At the main screen, select Contacts > Add number.
2. Highlight a contact from the list and select Add.
3. Select the tag General, Mobile, Home, Work, or Fax and enter the number.
■ Settings
Settings allows you to determine how your phone numbers will be viewed and how
much memory remains in the contacts list.
At the main screen, select Contacts > Settings and one of the following:
Scrolling view—Specify how names and numbers are viewed in Contacts list.
Memory status—View the amount of space available in Contacts list.