Nokia 12115i Cell Phone User Manual

Group ringtone—Set the ringtone for the group.
Group logo—Turn the graphic for the caller group on or off.
3. Group members—Add or remove members from the caller group.
Edit contacts list entries
1. At the main screen, scroll down to display the contents of your contacts list.
2. Select the entry you would like to edit and Details.
Edit phone number
1. Highlight the phone number you would like to edit, and select Options.
2. Select one of the following options:
Add voice tag—Add a voice tag to the contact.
Edit number—Edit an existing phone number of the contact.
Delete number—Delete a phone number from the contact.
Use number—Display the phone number on the main screen, ready to be called.
View—View the details of the contact.
Change type—Change the number type to General, Mobile, Home, Work, or Fax.
As primary no.—Change the default number of the contact.
Add number—Add a number to the contact.
Add detail—Add an address or note to the contact.
Caller groups—Add the contact to an existing caller group.
Custom tone—Add a custom ringtone to the contact.
Send bus. card—Send the contact as a business card to another phone.
Send message—Create and send a message to the contact.
Speed dial—Add the contact to your speed dial list.