Nokia 1220 Cell Phone User Manual

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Follow graphic clues
This guide uses the following icons to alert you to important information.
Tip: Provides information about a quick way or an alternate
method for performing an action.
Note: Explains a feature or points out an important concept.
Important: Alerts you to information critical to using a feature
Caution: Warns you when you may lose information.
Warning: Helps you avoid personal injury, damage to the phone,
or property damage.
Learn text conventions
This user guide provides text clues to help make instructions clear and
easy to follow. These clues are called conventions.
Convention What it means
bold Indicates one of the following items:
The word or phrase appears on the phone’s
Special text such as Notes and Warnings.
bold and blue Indicates one of the following items:
The word is an address on the World Wide
A definition for the word or phrase appears
in the glossary.
italic Italics indicate emphasis. Pay close attention to any
information in italics.