Nokia 9200 Cell Phone User Manual
3.2 Formatting Elements
The table below contains all text layout-formatting elements. These are described in more details in
this chapter later on.
Element Formatting
em Italics font of color red
Strong Bold, italics font of color green
b Bold font
I Italics font
U Underlined font
Big Font size is set to big
Small Font size is set to small
P A paragraph break is inserted in the text
Br A line break is inserted in the text
Table 1: Text layout formats.
3.2.1 Text formatting
Figure 4: Card demonstrating text-formatting elements.
The browser supports all text formatting elements of WML. Emphasis and strong elements are shown
in colors. The picture above demonstrates how different formatting elements are rendered as text,
also specified in the table above.
<card id="text" title="Text formatting elements">
<p align="center">
This card demonstrates the formatting
<p align="right">
WAP Service Developer’s Guide for Nokia 9200 Communicator Series