
the focus is automatically set on that same anchor. The same applies to the options list. The browser
also remembers whether the focus was on the card or on the options list if the user initiates a task
that causes another card to be loaded. Once the new card has been displayed, the focus is set on the
card area if it had focus before the action. If the user had focused on the options list before the action,
it remains focused after the card has been displayed. The focus on the options list is on the first item
after the card has been fetched. The focus is not moved after a refresh task, however.
The first button is a context sensitive ‘action’ button, that is, when a select or an anchor element is
focused, the 1
CBA will be "Select". If no appropriate element has been selected, the button label is
dimmed. The first CBA button is always the default button in the card view and may be launched by
pressing <ENTER>.
2.4.2 Bookmarks view
In the Bookmarks view, the user creates and manages WAP connections. The Bookmarks view is
opened when the browser is launched without an URL. The user can switch to the Bookmarks view
from the Card view by selecting the 3
CBA button, Bookmark. The Bookmarks view consists of a
hierarchical list of saved bookmarks, and a title bar.
When the user focuses on a bookmark, its URL will be displayed in an info message. The URL address
may be abbreviated, that is, part of the path name may be replaced with three dots, if necessary. The
first and the last components of the URL (that is, the domain name and the file name) are visible. If
there is no space for both the first and the last component of the URL, the first one is displayed and
the URL is simply truncated. If the scheme of the URL is different than “http://”, it is displayed before
the domain.
Only one bookmark item (a connection bookmark or a folder) can be selected at a time. Zooming is
not possible in Bookmarks view.
The first CBA button is always the default button in the Bookmarks view and may be launched by
pressing <ENTER>.
WAP Service Developer’s Guide for Nokia 9200 Communicator Series