Nokia 9200 Cell Phone User Manual
Optgroup on a deeper level is ignored and its options are handled as if they were under the first level
optgroup (that is, intended as one level).
Figure 11: Multiple-selection list.
<card id="phones" title="Information Request">
<p align="left">
Choose your age from the list:<br/>
<select title="Your age">
<option title="12-30">12-30</option>
<option title="31-50">31-50</option>
<option title="51-">51-</option>
<br/>Send me more information about:<br/>
<select name="models" title="Products" multiple="true">
<optgroup title="Phones">
<option>Nokia 3310</option>
<option>Nokia 6210</option>
<option>Nokia 9210 Communicator</option>
<optgroup title="Accessories">
<option>Desktop stand</option>
<option value="Headset">Headset</option>
<br/>Input your name:<br/>
<input name="name" type="text" title="Name" size="30"/>
<do type="accept" label="Enter" optional="false">
<go href="#confirm" method="get" sendreferer="false"/>
<do type="prev" label="Back" optional="false">
WAP Service Developer’s Guide for Nokia 9200 Communicator Series