Nokia 2280 Cell Phone User Manual

[ 53 ]
Phone book
press OK.
Group ringing ton-Scroll to the desired tone and press OK.
Default is the tone selected for the currently selected profile.
Group logo-Choose to turn the group logo on or off for the
selected caller group.
Group members-Press Select to view group members. To add or
remove a member, press Options, then select Add name or
Remove name.
Note: If you selected Send graphic, enter the recipient’s phone
number or recall it from phone book and press OK. Check with your
service provider for availability of this feature.
You can check the percentage of phone memory that is dedicated to the
phone book, that is in use, and the percentage that remains available.
1 Press Contacts.
2 Scroll to Options, then press Select.
3 Scroll to Memory status and press Select.